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Update: July 25, 2022 – at the bottom here. Dec 29: had to go back to Stackoverflow and re-edit it again. They have users/members editing what members type on the site – instead of using human dialogue, they want to use dry, boring language / content.

Hello all.

I’ve seen a LOT of Anaconda Navigator installation on Windows (10) issues with MINOR or UNCLEAR resolutions.

Anaconda Navigator is a crappy PAIN IN THE A_S to get installed. I had it on my older Alienware laptop (Windows 10) but it is NOT installing properly on my newer HP zBook G6 to present me the Navigator gui. And there are no Anaconda references in the Windows’ Start menu – of any kind.

And there are TONS of others on the ‘Net complaining about being unable to install Navigator and get the gui. Most common resolution noted – uninstall Anaconda and re-install it.

Well – many have tried that (including me) – doing it multiple times and even attempting to cleanse the Registry (Windows 10) of all Anaconda references. As well as ensuring you have deleted ALL Anaconda folders/directories in Windows Explorer (wherever the files were installed). I spent multiple hours every morning, Mon – Thur (before Jury Duty) trying to trouble-shoot this.

Restart and/or reboot after doing so.

Result – no success.

One site (posted by Rohit @ Stackoverflow) noted to go here: https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/    and pull down the latest file:  

=== Anaconda3-5.3.1-Windows-x86_64.exe        632.5M           2018-11-19 13:38:59

— after installing, it asks for VS Code installation (if you’re like me, you already have it – skip this).

— Installed it and guess what —>> SUCCESS….!!!  THEY ARE ALL showing up in the Windows recently added list of applications as they were supposed to: ===>> Anaconda Prompt // Anaconda Navigator // Spyder // Jupyter Notebook. —- Well, hang on, Anaconda Powershell Prompt (Anaconda Prompt) did not – had to do a search in the Windows search bar and then pin it to the Start menu. The Anaconda Prompt now shows up in the “recently added” list. Then I pinned it to the Start menu.

Will be checking out pip3 later.

If still no success for you, I’d suggest just going with Python3.9 (or 3.10), pip3 and Jupyter Notebook and say scrap Anaconda….

I am going to post this in the various sites I saw that did not have this info (URL & file)

NOTES: Stackoverflow ‘bot’ is cracking me up…!!! They say you cannot say “Thank You” in your comments to someone who provided a good resolution. Plus, they also do not want folks to provide complementary remarks about how you got to a resolution and shared it along with the specific resolution steps. They ONLY want you to do up votes and/or pay it forward – which is what many of us ALREADY DO!!!

You can up vote someone AND YOU SHOULD ALSO provide valuable complementary remarks/comments. That is how it works in my world of helping others – providing VALUABLE FEEDBACK to someone who has provided a good solution. But, to just do an up vote without feedback:

  • that is just pure horse crap.

It seems the site wants something like this:

Resolution: downloaded file “xyz.exe” from site “abc.def.com” – run the file “xyz.exe”, follow defaults. Problem solved.

THAT IS NOT HOW I WOULD EVER ASSIST OTHERS. I would provide the problems AND roadblocks and extra steps taken to get past the road block in using the solution. So, I now need to go back and remove the “superfluous” commentary, make it very dry and re-direct folks to this page so they can see where they may have gotten hung up on their troubleshooting steps. From now on, I’ll just up vote on that stackoverflow site and provide more feedback on my sites.

(lots of spacing added here since wordpress does not allow for easy color coding for specific words/blocks/areas/paragraphs – it is everything in the paragraph gets that color you desire or nothing in the paragraph)

July 25, 2022 Update: In a response post to Sabit Ololade’s article “Install Jupyter Notebooks Without Anaconda” on Medium — https://tinyurl.com/4zf2emuk


I’m late to this party but I also spent hours and days on troubleshooting the Anaconda issue.

Like Sabit noted, folks who might say “did you google it” or whatever – the answer for many of us is – “YES”! We did try to find a ‘good’ way to fix Anaconda on our boxes. I have pages of Word docs showing the trial and error troubleshooting I did.

Finally, I gave up and completely removed Anaconda and Mini conda.

I launch jupyter notebook from Powershell to get me my notebook page.

And on installing/importing packages, I just use ,as an example:

—–> pip install pandas

via powershell.

All I can say is – anaconda sucks… Some of us DID have it running but then…. packages would not update properly (to get to current version of desired software).

Anaconda is definitely one of the worse I’ve seen in my long IT career – the only one where I have seen soooo many people complaining about it and soooo many people trying to help with advice, most of which only partially works for various takers or does not work at all.

Dec 29, 2022: stackoverflow content, re-edited & modified (by me) that I restored to that site. I was rather annoyed to receive an email and see that my content was edited to plainer, dry language. Begin copy/paste after this line

Dry version to satisfy the stackoverflow bot here. This is not a 1950’s boring high school english book on solving anaconda issues. This content was not written by a ChatGPT bot but by a human, attempting to give a comfortable read.
For a detailed commentary on how I resolved this issue following Rohit’s posting, check out:
Anaconda Navigator – Windows – Installation Issues & Possible Resolution For Ya
Rohit had the BEST answer – props.

Anaconda Navigator

Had Anaconda garbage on my older Alienware but it is NOT installing properly on my newer HP zBook to give me the Navigator gui. Same issue as MANY others here.
TO BE EXPLICITLY CLEAR, and as everyone here has noted, there are TONS of others on the ‘Net complaining about ANACONDA ISSUES. Most common resolution noted – uninstall Anaconda and re-install it.
Many have tried UNINSTALLING ANACONDA (including me) – doing that UNINSTALL multiple times. Even attempting to cleanse the Registry (Windows 10) of all Anaconda references!
Restart and/or reboot after doing those registry scrubs.
Result – no success.

The comment noted by @Rohit to go here and pull down the latest file:

 === Anaconda3-5.3.1-Windows-x86_64.exe     632.5M  2018-11-19 13:38:59 ---

After installing, it asks for VS Code installation (if you’re like me, you already have it – skip this).

Installed it. SUCCESS….!!! Anaconda Prompt // Anaconda Navigator // Spyder // Jupyter Notebook – they ALL appear in the Start area now.

If no success for you, I’d suggest just going with Python3.9 (or 3.11), pip3 and Jupyter Notebook and say scrap Anaconda…. Posting this content in other various sites I saw that did not have this info (URL & file) but who are hungry for this same content. You may have visited one or more of those sites.
I cannot upvote anyone here because I am a ‘newbie’ even though in the past, I’ve run Data Centers and nationwide help desks.